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Dean’s Message
Welcome to the School of Humanities & Languages!
The School has already embarked on its journey by successfully starting PG and RD programmes in the Department of English & European Languages. We aim at the individual/collective growth of the learner/s via inculcating sense of interdisciplinarity in each one of them. This is done through innovativeness in framing the curricula to equip them with knowledge, skill and aptitude to deal with changing scenario of literary and cultural studies across the globe. We have a choice based credit system to give PG/RD students freedom to choose courses from comprehensive course listing which is prepared by experts and is regularly revised and updated. Meticulous care is taken in preparing and revising the course content in each semester. We aim at orienting students/scholars in a way that they can contribute meaningfully to the stream of knowledge and make their mark in whichever walk of life they set their foot in. We believe in democratic spirit of inquiry thereby ensuring student/scholar’s performance and holistic growth through seminars, workshops, presentations, participation in literary and extra-curricular activities. The school is committed to bring out quality research and publications and plans to start journals of national and International standing sooner. All this is done to prepare our students to deal with the current critical practices across and the needs of the changing times.
Dr. Roshan Lal Sharma
Humanities & Languages