हिमाचल प्रदेश केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
रोजगार अवसराः नया
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala
अध्ययनस्य संकायाः
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala
विश्वविद्यालयस्य अधिकारिगणः
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala
अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala, dehra, Vice Chancellor Prof. Furqan Qamar
Home > Library

About CUHP Library

CUHP Library caters to the information needs of the faculty members, students, research scholars and staffs. CUHP Library collections comprise printed documents such as books, reports, theses, atlases and back volumes of journals. The non-print collections include Books and Magazine's CDs. CUHP Library is a member of INFLIBNET. It has been subscribing e-journals of various digital Libraries. CUHP Library is also a member of Developing Library Network (DELNET) for sharing the resources among its member libraries. CUHP Library is housed in an air-conditioned building for users to pursue their academic and research activities by way of reading books, accessing electronic journals and internet etc. The Library is fully automated using SOUL Library Management Software.

Library Sections
  • Circulation Section
  • Technical Section
  • Acquisition Section
  • Periodical Section
  • Newspaper Corner
  • Hindi and Sanskrit Section

Library Collections The library collection consists of Books, Reference Books, Text Books, Print Journals, Newspapers, Donated Books, E-Journals & Databases, and CD ROM/DVDs.

Sl.No Resources Total
1. Books 25000+
2. Journals and Print Format 150+
3. E-Journals 100+
4. Thesis and Dissertation 3
5. News Papers 7

The following E- Resources (under INFLIBNET) are accessible to the students and staff in Temporary Academic Block, Shahpur of Central University of Himachal Pradesh:

Sl.No E-Resources Website Link
1. Cambridge University Press http://journals.cambridge.org/
2. Economic & Political Weekly http://www.epw.in/
3. Emerald http://www.emeraldinsight.com/
4. ISID http://isid.org.in/
5. JCCC http://www.jccc-ugcinfonet.in/
6. JSTOR http://www.jstor.org/
7. Oxford University Press http://www.oxfordjournals.org/
8. Project Muse http://muse.jhu.edu/browse/
9. Springer Link http://link.springer.com/
10. Taylor & Francis http://www.tandfonline.com/
11. Wiley-Blackwell http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/
12. World eBook Library http://community.worldlibrary.in/?AffiliateKey=NDL-QA1179

Please send your suggestions & queries and report for any broken link or other discrepancies to Prof. I. V. Malhan, Incharge Librarian or to Murui N, Assistant Librarian murulitarikere@gmail.com

E-Learning Portal

Sl.No E-Resources Website Link
01. Aggregated Video: Academic Earth http://www.academicearth.org  
02. Berkeley University http://ocw.uci.edu  
03. Carnegie Mellon University http://www.cmu.edu/oli   
04. John Hopkins University http://ocw.jhsph.edu   
05. Lecture Fox http://www.lecturefox.com  
06. MIT http://techtv.mit.edu http://ocw.mit.edu http://video.mit.edu/
07. Mixed Media: Wikimedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_media
08. National Repository of Open Education Resources http://nroer.gov.in/home/
09. New Zealand OER Project http://www.repository.ac.nz  
10. NPTEL www.youtube.com/nptelhrd http://nptel.iitk.ac.in/
11. OER Commons www.oercommons.org
12. Online College Courses www.OnlineCourses.com
13. Online College Courses (Subject wise) http://www.onlinecourses.com/accounting/
14. Open Access Research : (DOAJ) www.doaj.org
15. Open Courseware Consortium http://www.ocwconsortium.org/
16. Open Courseware Mexico http://ocw.itesm.mx
17. Open Culture http://www.openculture.com/freeonlinecourses
18. Open Learn http://www.open.ac.uk/openlearn/home.php
19. Open Learning Object Repository : (Merlot) http://www.merlot.org/merlot/materials.htm?
20. Open Michigan https://open.umich.edu/
21. Open Textbooks For K12: (Siyavula) http://www.siyavula.com/
22. Open Textbooks: (Connexions) http://cnx.org
23. Open University of Nederland http://ocw.tudelft.nl
24. Paris Tech Graduate School http://graduateschool.paristech.org
25. Princeton University www.princeton.edu/webmedia
26. Rai Open Courseware http://www.rocw.railfoundation.org
27. Rice University http://cnx.org
28. Sakshat Portal www.sakshat.ac.in/
29. Spoken Tutorial www.spoken-tutorial.org
30. Teacher Portal ( Class Room Resources) http://www.teachersofindia.org/en
31. Tufts Open Courseware http://ocw.tufts.edu
32. United Nations University http://www.ocw.unu.edu
33. University of Minnesota: 
(Open Academics Textbook Catalogue)
34. University of Notre Dame http://ocw.nd.edu
35. University of Southern Queensland http://ocw.usq.edu.au/
36. Utah Open Courseware Alliance http://uocwa.org
37. Utah State University http://ocw.usw.edu
38. Vietnam http://ocw.vn/index.ocw 
39. Webcast.Berkley http://webcast.berkeley.edu/
40. World Lecture Project http://www.world-lecture-project.org/?navId=1
41. Yale University http://oyc.yale.edu

Library Infrastructure

Sl.No Particulars Total Numbers
1. Computers 5
2. Printers 3
3. Barcode Scanner 2

Library OPAC

OPAC is the Online Public Access Catalogue. It is an online database of all of the resources available in the CUHP library. Users can search OPAC to locate books in the library. It lists the number of the items, whether they are in the library or out on loan, and their call number

To access CUHP Library OPAC Click here -

Library Rules

Entitlements to borrow books/documents
The entitlement of different categories of members to borrow documents/books from the library shall be as under:

Membership category Maximum number of books/ documents which could be issued at a time Maximum period for which the books/ documents could be issued
Faculty Member 5 Documents
3 Documents (Teaching course)
30 Days
Full Semester
Research Scholars 4 Documents 15 Days
Others 3 Documents 7 Days

General Rules for maintenance and discipline in the library premises
The following rules and discipline measures are prescribed for general maintenance and discipline within the library premises.
  • Library members shall maintain perfect silence, peace, order and calm environment conducive to concentrate on study.
  • Smoking, spitting, consumption of food, drug, intoxicants, sleeping, whispering, murmuring, carrying of pets shall not be permitted in the library.
  • Carrying of fire arms, explosives or any other objectionable material, literature by member is strictly prohibited.
  • As a moral obligation each member shall require to keep the document neat, clean and in good condition.
  • Before leaving the library, readers shall return to the assistant at the counter any document which they had taken for consultation.
  • No personal belongings such as bags, briefcases, handbags, walking sticks, personal books, umbrella, parcels etc. are allowed inside the library. These belongings may be deposited at the property counter near the entrance gate meant for the purpose solely at users own risk and responsibility. Use of mobile phones in the library is strictly prohibited & members are also required to keep their mobiles on vibration / silent mode.
  • Cases of incivility or other failure in service should be immediately reported to the Librarian.
  • Circulation counter will start functioning from the time when library opens and closes half an hour before the normal office working hours.
  • Charges shall be collected up to 4:00 P. M on working days only.
  • Library users are required to vacate the premises 15 minutes before the closing time to enable shelving of the material, library staff to put off lights and other related jobs.
  • All communications should be addressed to Librarian/In-charge.
  • Change of address, designation or contact number should be reported immediately in writing.
  • Library staff / attendant is authorized to search any person on entry/exit point of the library.
  • Members are not allowed to stand in groups in the library premises.
  • Every member must always possess identity card and he should produce it whenever called upon to do so by the concerned library authority.
  • A member should read the notices placed on the Library notice board. The library accepts no responsibility for the loss of any benefit by a member on account of his failure to read the notice in time.
  • Members should behave decently in the premises of the library.
  • The infringement of rules may deprive a reader/borrower of the membership of the library for a specific period as per the order of the Librarian.
  • Library loan will be permitted to the constituent units/research stations from the Central library and Vice-Versa subject to the availability.
  • Borrows must return the book on or before due date so as to enable the library to serve maximum number of readers.
  • Delay fine will be charged for each day the book is kept overdue or service to the defaulting member shall be curtailed proportionately.
  • Marking or writing on the pages of the books with ink or pencil, tearing off or taking of the pages or otherwise damaging will constitute an offence which is punishable as per rules.
  • Unless a borrower points out, at the time of borrowing, the bad condition, if any of the book, he shall be held strictly responsible for any damage and shall be required to replace the book or pay its price together with extra fine.
  • Only the light writing material is allowed inside the library.
  • Doing anything which may disturb other readers or which may be against the discipline of the institution is strictly prohibited.
  • No person entitled or permitted to use the library shall mutilate, disfigure, deface by writing in the margins or by damaging in any other way a book, periodical, map or chart or any other property of the library.
  • If books issued to a member are found mutilated at the time of return, he/she shall have to replace or pay the replacement price as per rules of the same. Therefore members are required to examine the books etc. at the time of loan as the last borrower will be held responsible for any damage.
  • No tracing or mechanical reproduction of any book, map or manuscript shall be made without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to suspend/cancel the membership privileges of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or for any other indecent behaviour. Such a member is also liable to be expelled from the library by the order of the Librarian.
  • When the students have any complaint about the service being provided by the library, they should not enter into argument with the library staff. They should bring it to the notice of the Librarian.
  • The librarian is empowered to recall any library material at any time if necessity arises and especially at the time of stock verification.
  • In all other matters such as interpretation of the Library Rules or for any other matter not covered under these rules, the Librarian’s decision shall be final and the Librarian shall have the power to take such action as he may deem fit.
  • These Library Rules may be altered or amended or new rules may be added to the existing ones by the Competent Authority from time to time without notice to the members and these rules or any alternations or amendments to them shall be effective and binding on all concerned when notified.
  • Members violating any of the rules and regulations are liable to be punished by disciplinary action.

Working Hours

Monday to Saturday: 9.00am - 7.30pm

Library Staffs

Sl. No Name Designation Email ID
1. Prof. I.V. Malhan In-charge Library imalhan_47@rediffmail.com
2. Mr. Muruli N Assistant Librarian murulitarikere@gmail.com
3. Mr. Arjun Sanyal Assistant Librarian arjun1234.sanyal@gmail.com
4. Mrs. Navneet Kaur  Semi-Professional Assistant neeru580@gmail.com
5. Mr. Pankaj Sharma  Library Attendant pankajsharmapansai@gmail.com
6. Mr. M Ashraf   Library Attendant m.ashraf86@gmail.com
7. Mr. Manish Kumar Data Entry Operator manishkcuhp@gmail.com
8. Mr. Surjeet Sharma Peon NA
9. Mrs. Sunita Devi Peon / Sweeper NA

For any queries, feedback and suggestions please write a mail to murulitarikere@gmail.com or to lib@cuhimachal.ac.in