Registration - School of Gravitation and Astroparticle Physics

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Registration form for School on Gravitation and Astroparticle Physics,
29 February- 12 March, 2016, Central University of Himachal Pradesh.

(Closed on 16 Feb, 2016)

1. Name :

2. Date of Birth:

3. Sex (M / F):

4. Highest qualification:

5. Present Affiliation and Position:

6. Research topic:

7. Name of supervisor:

8. If accommodation is required during conference (Y /N):

The participants are requested to download the form, fill it up and  send it to an email to the address at gmail dot com). Also please arrange one letter of recommendation from
teacher/ supervisor.

Last date for receiving the application: 15.01.2016.

There is no registration fee.

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