हिमाचल प्रदेश केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
रोजगार अवसर नया
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala, dehra, Vice Chancellor Prof. Furqan Qamar
अध्ययन स्कूल
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala, dehra, Vice Chancellor Prof. Furqan Qamar
विश्वविद्यालय के अधिकारीगण
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala, dehra, Vice Chancellor Prof. Furqan Qamar
अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala
central university of himachal pradesh, hpcu, cuhp, dharamshala, dehra, Vice Chancellor Prof. Furqan Qamar
Home > Governance
  • Governance Structure of the University are specified in the Central Universities Act 2009 in terms of University Authorities and Officers of the Universities.
  • Within the framework of the legislation, the governance structure of the university would be designed such as to make it participatory, transparent and also decentralised to the extent possible.
  • Ideally, in order to get the best out of each individual and administrative units, each School, Department and Centre should be given full-autonomy subject to outcome-based accountability. Respect for diversity would be the guiding principle in devising administrative systems and practices.
  • Each discipline has to be seen as unique having its own unique requirements and the same will have to be accommodated within the overall philosophy of the University.
  • Creativity, innovation, leadership initiatives, nurturing of talent either at the individual level or at the level of Department and School should not be sacrificed for the sake of uniform procedures and standardised practices.
  • Within the larger framework provided by the Central Universities Act 2009, it shall be the endeavour of the university to conceptualise and nurture each School as autonomous with adequate authority and freedom to operate as a University within the University.
  • Conscious and deliberate efforts would be made to ensure that the university does not become overly bureaucratised. The administrative, non-teaching, technical and support staff would be groomed in a culture to assume the responsibility of supporting and facilitating the teaching and research activities.
  • To the extent possible and within the legislative framework and audit requirements, the logistics, administrative, establishment, finance functions related to a particular School would be delegated to the School itself.
Use of ICT, IT Integration & ERP:
  • The need for intensive use of Information Communication Technology in academic and administrative functions of the university can't be overemphasised. It is proposed to get a thorough ERP designed developed and implemented right from the start.
  • Needless to mention that the campuses of the University would be fully networked. As soon as the land issue is settled and boundary earmarked, the University would approach the National Knowledge Network to include its campuses in their identified list of knowledge institutions for Gigabit connectivity.
  • The website is being designed such as to become a full-fledged e-learning and ERP portal in due course of time.
  • It is intended to computerise all activities of the University across all its functions. It is our desire to have total ERP installed right from the start. However, in the absence of ready-made solutions (Even some of the most popular solutions like 'Campus Connect' require a lot of customisation), this appears to be a difficult task.
  • In the interim, to the extent possible, use of web-based solutions in the area of student management information system (encompassing application, admission, attendance monitoring, examination etc), administration, accounting, establishment, etc would be used right from the beginning.